Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

Why Become a CAHSAH Sponsor?

CAHSAH's diverse sponsorships offer highly visible opportunities for CAHSAH Affiliates to showcase their products and services to thousands of health care professionals, medical equipment suppliers, supportive service and interdisciplinary professional service providers in California and beyond. As a CAHSAH sponsor, you will gain access to an elite group of health system specialists with whom you can build brand awareness, fill job vacancies, and create company recognition while positioning your business as a leader in the home care industry.

In addition, because CAHSAH is a nonprofit trade organization, your sponsorship dollars work to promote quality home care in the state of California and enhance the effectiveness of home care professionals.

Why Advertise with CAHSAH?

CAHSAH's monthly Bulletin advertising provides ongoing, repetitive opportunities for all home care related companies to gain exposure and company recognition. The Annual conference also affords advertising space in both the advance brochure, which goes to everyone in the CAHSAH database, and in the onsite brochure, directly targeting conference attendees.


Founded in 1966, with 50+ years of operational experience, CAHSAH has forged a lasting tradition of service to the home care industry and established itself as the voice of home care for the western United States. Take advantage of CAHSAH's history and reputation by utilizing the multi-faceted options available.

Contact the CAHSAH office (916-641-5795) for detailed information or to discuss a customized package to fit your needs.

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