Message from the Chair | March 2025
It is hard to believe, but Spring is only a few weeks away. The changing of the seasons is a fantastic reason to make some positive changes and to have your voices heard. A great way to have your voices heard and make a difference is to get involved. CAHSAH offers several opportunities to get involved and there is something for everyone.
One option is to join one of CAHSAH’s committees. We have several committees that welcome new members. There is something for everyone and joining a committee lets you know what is going on and gives others the opportunity to hear what you have to say. Available committees include: Home Care Aide; Hospice; Licensed Home Health Agency; Medicare Certified; Medi-Cal, and Policy, Advocacy and Public Affairs. Committee membership does not require a lot of time but is a great way to participate.
Another way you can have your voices heard is by attending Lobby Day. Lobby Day(s) this year is April 22 – 24. Lobby Day is done remotely, making it an easy way to get involved and meet your legislative representatives and their staff. Once you meet your representatives and their staff one time, it makes it easier to reach out to them when you have important issues. With the changes going on, it is a fantastic way for your voice to be heard.
CAHSAH also has a new platform and improved way for everyone to be involved. We need you as a Grassroots Advocate. Becoming a Grassroots Advocate allows you to come together with other individuals and agencies to advocate on important issues that affect our home care industry.
CAHSAH will also have 2 opportunities for everyone to get together and hear what other agencies in your areas have to say. There will be two Town Hall meetings this year - one in Northern California and one in Southern California. Dates will be announced on the CAHSAH website.
It is time to get involved with the coming of spring. For more information on any of these options and events, visit the CAHSAH website. And don’t forget to set your clocks ahead on March 9th to welcome in the new season.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Lehmann
Chair, CAHSAH Board of Directors