Message from the Chair | November 2024
November is National Home Care and Hospice Month. During the month of November, we
honor those who provide care to patients in their homes, including nurses, therapists, social
workers, and aides. It is a time for everyone to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of
these individuals and caregivers, and to raise awareness about the importance of home care
and hospice services. Care in the home is a growing and vital sector of the care continuum.
I started in home care many years ago. At that time one of my co-workers told me this thought
and it has stayed with me all these years: “The average nurse, therapist and aide work in the
hospitals, but REAL nurses, therapists and aides work in home health. Home care allows them
to use their skills and autonomy to the fullest of their abilities and to make the biggest
difference in their patients’ lives.”
The need and appreciation for home health services has grown over the years. Home health
services have helped to address and meet the care needs of individuals, as hospital capacities
have become overwhelmed. Home health has been able to help support those recovering from
illness, surgery, and/or in need of maintenance health. Most of us in home care are drawn to
the field because of the love for one-on-one care, with the ability for long-term goal setting and
attainment, and the well-rounded approach to care in the community.
The goal is that everyone has access to high-quality, person-centered healthcare in their
homes. During November, we want to take time to honor those in all aspects of our
industry - home health care, private duty home care, hospice care, and personal care
services. Each week honors a different segment of our industry:
• National Family Caregiver’s Day – November 1, 2024
• Palliative and Advanced Care Week – November 4-8, 2024
• Hospice Week – November 11-15, 2024
• Home Health Week – November 18-22, 2024
• Private Duty Home Care Week – November 25-29, 2024
Home Care is a growing sector in the health care industry. The need for home health is
expected to grow by over 12% by 2028. By 2040 it is projected that over 21% of Americans will
be over the age of 65. So let us take this opportunity to celebrate and thank all those who make
a positive difference in the lives of our patients every day!
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Lehmann
CAHSAH Board Chair