Bill Number Description Location H.R. 71 Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5] Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to improve the ability of veterans to access medical care in medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs and in the... Continue Reading
Providers may have heard or read about the importance of Fraud and Abuse Compliance Plans in their organizations. Despite the wealth of available information about Compliance Plans, many providers continue to express uncertainty about their value. Here are some of the questions providers commonly... Continue Reading
Thank you for your continued membership in CAHSAH. As the home care industry continues to evolve, CAHSAH is committed to assisting our members with providing quality care. One of the most exciting and effective opportunities available to our members is the chance to increase the interaction of... Continue Reading
Getting to KnowJina Han Executive DirectorAlice Home 1. What prompted you to enter the field of home care/home health or hospice? I entered the field of home care and home health because of both personal and professional experiences that shaped my understanding of... Continue Reading
It is hard to believe, but Spring is only a few weeks away. The changing of the seasons is a fantastic reason to make some positive changes and to have your voices heard. A great way to have your voices heard and make a difference is to get involved. CAHSAH offers several opportunities to get... Continue Reading
Question: During the phase-in for the transition to mandatory OASIS data collection and submission for all patients regardless of payer, will we be able to submit just the voluntary Start of Care (SOC) OASIS for a patient with a M0090 date between January 1, 2025, and June 30th, 2025? Or would we... Continue Reading
As this message comes to you, the State Legislature’s bill introduction deadline has just passed with hundreds of legislative proposals introduced on the last day of the introduction period which ran from December 3, 2024 to February 21, 2025. During that period, a total of 2,350 bills were... Continue Reading
New Caregiver Training Reimbursement The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has implemented two new codes, 97550 and 97551 for caregiver training of an individual patient to facilitate the patient’s functional performance in their home and community relating to Activities of Daily... Continue Reading
CMS Suspends Hospice Special Focus Program As of February 14, 2025, the Trump Administration has suspended the implementation of the Hospice Special Focus Program (SFP) for the 2025 calendar year. This decision allows CMS to further evaluate the program’s effectiveness and methodology. The... Continue Reading
CDPH Extends Hospice Moratorium and Emergency Regulations Deadline The Department of Public Health has released AFL 25-04 Assembly Bill (AB) 177 – Extension of Hospice Licensure Moratorium. This AFL notifies hospice agencies of the chaptering of AB 177 (Chapter 999, Statutes of 2024) that... Continue Reading
CMS Reporting Exception Granted Due to California Wildfires and Straight-line Winds The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is granting exceptions1 under certain Medicare quality reporting and value-based purchasing programs to providers and facilities located in areas affected by... Continue Reading
Tax Audits Feedback Needed CAHSAH is seeking information from hospice agencies about whether they have experienced a state tax audit on the pharmaceuticals they purchase. We are interested in hearing from any providers who are currently undergoing or have already been through this type of audit.... Continue Reading